Friday, July 26, 2013


Everyone has or will experience a form of oppression whether it be race, sex, sexual orientation, or etc on some degree, and that is exactly what happened in the Zimmerman case. We have a vigilante who followed this poor kid who was at the wrong place wrong time. When I read this it’s just another example for me that people are just cable of horrible things. We hurt each other and oppress one another. This stand your ground law is in a sense a great law it protects those who had to defend themselves at times where there is no other option. This law was obviously created to protect, and change for the better, but what exactly did this Zimmerman have to protect him-self from? An unarmed kid who was walking home? Zimmerman decided to follow Trayvon Martin. He made the decision to pursue because Trayvon looked “suspicious” which I can understand to an extent if you are wanting to protect others, but there is that moment when Trayvon said to Zimmerman in some way or another,” hey who are you!? Why are you following me!?” Zimmerman would of most likely tried to justify his reasons to Trayvon who would of responded upset and angry (who wouldn’t be angry). Tensions arise from conflicts like that everyday. Misunderstanding and preconceived notions causing trouble for all parties involved, but only one had a gun and leverage for absolute safety. In all tense and purposes out of Zimmerman and Trayvon. Trayvon had the right to Stand His Ground. You can’t change laws without changing human nature and you can’t change human nature without laws.


What went wrong with Rolling Stone doing an investigative piece on Dzhokhar Tsarnaev? After reading , “Explaining the Rolling Stone Cover, by a Boston Native” By Matt Taibbi. I can easily say that the reason that there is so much controversy over this Rolling Stone cover are the following is ethics.( Ethics: The law dictates how a person must behave; Canege Advantage books: Intro to Business Law: Chapter 2 Business ethics and Social Responsibility) Since the general populous knows Rolling Stone as a magazine for entertainment or just not a series magazine. They have “famous people” on their covers, so when Rolling stone did a story on  Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The public didn’t respond to it like they would to a known news outlet. Now Rolling Stones is facing defamation as a corporation. Citizens United v FEC: The First Amendment Rights of Corporate "Persons", the proposition that the corporation is a legal person with (most of) the same rights as natural persons has been settled as a matter of constitutional law since at least 1885(: )  ( The First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech, a vital freedom that enables us to protect other rights. But that freedom is not absolute;  Canege Advantage books: Intro to Business Law: Chap 5 Torts and Business Torts) Rolling Stone is a Public personality persay a celeb company in my opinion of them since I only singers or actors on their cover(s). (Public Personalities The rules of the game change for those who play in the open. Government officials and other types of public figures such as actors and athletes receive less protection from defamation) Now the actual article that the Rolling Stone wrote was investigative and one feels nothing for Dzhokhar. He did a horrible act against Boston and it's victims and it will never be  glamorized.

Friday, July 12, 2013

My Voice

It came to me in a high technological entertainment gaming system with graphics in superb definition, audio with realism, and an environment that brought me and any given viewer  to a world that does not exist anywhere else an overall environment that entrances its audience. Video games are my focus that ties in all my talents in art that I have discovered and enjoyed throughout my life. I have always enjoyed sketching, ceramics, painting, writing, and music. To have many different media to experiment with and create from your-self is a feeling that I don’t experience anywhere else.

Game genres such as strategy, multiplayer, first shooters, family, fitness, social, and etc., gives players experiences that they simply can’t get anywhere else in their day to day lives. There are social realms that are co-existing with reality, and the fact that I can create an alternate reality that I can completely immerse myself through in creating or playing is amazing and when I say immerse I mean: animation, drawing, game design, programming, interactive multimedia, computer graphics, sound recording, processing, 3D programs for animation and modeling. There is so much artistic freedom here I am busy all the time with development. Game Art Design is the only career path for myself.

Game Art Designing has endless possibilities for an artist while the Gaming Industry itself holds much promise to audiences around the world..