Friday, August 30, 2013

Your own arguments and opinions


   When it comes to the Gaming Industry there are a lot of concerns when starting your own business. What do I need to have to register as a business? How do I protect myself and my ideas, and products? The most concerning topic that I will definitely ask my lawyer. Is if I were to create a videogame with Violent aspects and a person in real life were to act out and hurt someone. Am I held liable? I have seen many articles and news segments with adults and children who act out and Videogames and/or Movies are to be blamed.

Rule of the Law

(to be updated later)

Reasoning of the law

(to be updated on a later date)


The questions that I have posted have precedence in my career. If I am going to function as a successful developer I must know these things

Legal Authority

     How I found my lawyeris I have met him when I took his Communications class during my schooling which is how I learned of his work as a lawyer. 


Week 8: legal questions

1)      If I had a Gaming company what would I need to obtain to expand my business  in other countries?

2) What are the necessary criteria to pursue- counterfeiting against an offending party in the court system?

3) What do copyright laws protect when it comes to “ideas” for videogames?

4) Why is it that there are games that clearly are based on another game such as CandyCrush which is based off Bejeweled, and is able to be made and sold to consumers legally?

5) How does a Gaming company and/or person(s) apply copyright laws to their videogames?

6) I have read that Mod chips are illegal to install in a hardware system due to the dismantling of the console and warranty, but there seemed to be an underlying reason (example Nintendo) What are possible legal reasons that this is so ?

7) Can Websites and/or Internet Content Providers be Held Liable for Violation of Intellectual Property Rights if they are Only Providing Links to Illegal Software and/or Other Illegal Devices?

8) How does the opinion or agreement of videogames in the Courts being treated as a true form of expression will impact the Gaming Industry?

9) What are videogames lacking to not be considered as a form of expression like movies or books?

10) If I created a videogame with a violent aspect to it and a person were to act out in real life those violent aspects could I be held liable? (most recent example: an 8yr old boy killed his grandmother after playing grand theft auto in Louisana)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 7: Finding a Lawyer

I imagine locating a lawyer can be difficult in the sense of a “free consultation” or to interview on a series of questions. My first steps in completing this assignment I have used the internet to find at least 9 references of contact information. Each of my 9 choices sparked an interest for me to give them call due to their description(s) that was listed for viewers to read and locate. The next course of action is  to call over the course of the days into weeks and see if I have any luck of finding someone who will agree to speak with me, but my tenth choice is probably going to be the lawyer that I will be able to interview since I have met him before so he may feel more inclined to speak with me.  Uglow is a teacher that I have had previously and he was very knowledgeable about the law and communicated fairly well when speaking about course of actions legally and just when dealing with people. What makes him more of an option is the fact that he teaches at my school and the fact  the kind of cliental that he works with makes him more of a choice for me.