Even the title of this blog is pretty intimidating when you ultimately think about it? Two of our major mobile communication providers are "fighting" over smart phone technology. Samsung has committed at least 2 dozen of Apple U.S. patent rights. http://phys.org/news/2013-08-patent-apple-samsung-federal-appeals.html
After reading up on this I can honestly say, "this isn't a surprising fight between companies. NOT to mention the fact that so much money is on the line here."
Apple and Samsung have been suing each other on multiple stages. It started in April 2011 -
The Apple v. Samsung saga began in April 2011, when Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) accused Samsung of "slavishly" copying the iPhone and iPad. Samsung replied by counter-suing Apple, accusing the Cupertino company of infringing on its software patents. (http://money.cnn.com/2013/08/08/technology/mobile/apple-samsung-timeline/index.html)
In that trial Samsung basically copied much of Apple's features of design to their products which Apple was awarded a billion dollars which was reduced.
Following this trial their was a separate proceeding with the ITC on banning certain Iphone products stating that it violated certain Korean company pacts.
A countersuit filed by Apple a week later was on several patent infringements. Only to file another law suit in the California district court in February 2012.
Now what are we getting from this information? We have Apple a $108 billion dollar vs Samsung a $50 billion dollar (from what I can find on these standings of net worth's these are correct as of now)
I am not going to say that its okay for Samsung to use another company patent because it is not okay, but this is happening for a reason. Whatever is successful in the market there will be companies that will copy the breed winner. In the court proceedings that I did mention if you happened to click on the link you will notice that neither of companies really took off their products from the market that they were being sued for. Why? Because people like options.
This is basically a battle for all the profit.
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